Real Talk About Pride

And even worse, many of us celebrate our pride that will most certainly lead us to destruction, if not here on earth, later in the eternal suffering reserved for those who are unrepentant of their sin. Simply said, PRIDE KILLS. This is the truth of God's Word, though many don't want to believe it. And just like Adam and Eve, allowed their own pride to tempt them into disobeying God's instruction, many of us do the same. How do we escape it?

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The Blessing of Adversity

It’s April 8, 2020. The Coronavirus has made its way around the globe and people are stunned and scared. Who would’ve ever imagined the current state of our world today with Stay Home orders, quarantined living and toilet paper hoarding. The grocery stores have taped the floors to ensure six feet of distance between us. We have either been working from home, schooling from home, furloughed from our job, or just plain laid off. People have contracted the virus, recovered from the virus and/or died from the virus. There is no doubt that these are trying times and adversity has come knocking on the door or many of our homes.

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Living the Life.

I heard someone say once that obstacles are opportunities to walk in your greatness. I wish I could remember who to thank for that little nugget because it rings in my ears at every unplanned obstacle. If life was always perfect and easy-breezy, there would be no opportunities to grow towards our very best versions of ourselves.

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Mom Guilt...It's a Thing!

Honestly. The ONE thing that sucks about motherhood is the unbelievable amount of pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect; to have everything together; to have the perfect kid that has everything together; to have the house together. YOU GUYS! It's not real! NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO BE PERFECT! Your life is not going to look perfect...EVER!

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Rhianna Sanford
Sometimes, I Go Numb.

Tears. The tears of the news that yet another girl with Rett Syndrome has died. It happens enough to fill a bathtub with tears and yet somehow, I really never get used to it. Every time it happens, I go numb. And I know it's my fight or flight kicking in to protect my heart from the pain of imagining myself in that dear mother's shoes. And then when I let them, the tears start to flow. The reality is that I, a parent of a child with this neurological, and sometimes, very unpredictable disease will probably outlive my daughter. And the thought of that is...unbearable.

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Rhianna Sanford
October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

Most know that October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Many others know that it's also Down Syndrome awareness month. But many do not know that Rett Syndrome Awareness month is additionally in October. For those of you who do not know my family well or haven't read This Special Life yet, Rett Syndrome is the neurological disorder which my 13-year-old daughter, Kaiya, was diagnosed with at the age of three. For that reason, this reason for commemoration hits very close to home for me.

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Rhianna Sanford